Trichotillomania Causes

trichotillomania causes

If you are suffering from trichotillomania, you’re not alone. Many people have tried various treatments for this disorder without success. But what can you do to get rid of the problem? Read on to learn more about the causes of trichotillomania. The following tips may help you deal with this condition. You can start by eliminating or limiting your stress. After all, it is your behavior that can make you suffer from trichotillomania.

Generally, trichotillomania starts long before a person reaches his or her adolescent years, which means that the disorder may develop at a very young age and last a lifetime. Fortunately, there are several treatments that are available. Genetics play a big role in trichotillomania. If you have a close relative with the condition, you’re more likely to experience it, too.

Hair pulling is a common symptom of trichotillomania. Patients may also pick at their skin, bite their nails, or chew their lips. People with this condition also may pull their hair from materials, such as dolls and clothes. It can be a way to cope with stress, but it’s not the only symptom of trichotillomania. Unlike other forms of trichotillomania, however, it can also affect people without any known cause.

Although there is no proven cause of trichotillomania, genetics and environmental factors are believed to play a major role. Researchers have found evidence that the impulse to pull hair is connected to anxiety, and the pain caused by pulling hair may be chemically triggered. People with this disorder may also be more likely to try eating the hair that is pulled out. This condition has been diagnosed in children and adults worldwide. So far, the causes of trichotillomania are unknown, but researchers are still searching for one.

Medication is the last resort for treating trichotillomania. There is currently no medication that specifically targets the underlying cause. SNRIs are sometimes prescribed to treat anxiety in patients with trichotillomania. In most cases, a patient must learn how to cope with triggers and substitute other behaviors for hair pulling. And while medication may be a last resort, it’s important to remember that trichotillomania is an enduring condition.

Fortunately, the main treatment for trichotillomania involves habit reversal. This technique helps people to substitute other behaviors for hair pulling, thus decreasing the urge to pull hair. Some patients find that cognitive therapy helps them to identify distorted beliefs related to hair pulling. This type of therapy can also help them overcome their fear of hair pulling and accept their condition. Once they can learn to recognize their triggers, they can work on changing their thinking patterns and habits that cause them to pull hair.

Despite being a form of impulse control disorder, trichotillomania is closely related to obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with trichotillomania have an irresistible urge to pull their hair, even though they know it will damage their hair. It is a condition that can cause severe hair loss in victims. In addition to causing pain to those who suffer from it, the condition can also cause embarrassment and shame.

Various psychological factors can cause trichotillomania. Some people are genetically predisposed to the condition, while others are not. In either case, a child with trichotillomania will pull their hair. It can also affect their social development. It can even lead to bald patches on the scalp. The problem can have severe consequences on a person’s social life, including employment and relationships.

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